Empowered Consciousness Breathwork Facilitator Training is a live and accredited 8-month teacher training program where you learn to hold space for deep and intentional healing for your clients whilst you also go on a personal and profound journey of inner healing and Higher wisdom.
Empowered Consciousness Breathwork Facilitator Training offers you the opportunity to learn a system of breathwork practices and bring breath awareness to the world.
Whilst training to become a facilitator, we believe that your own personal healing journey is key, therefore this training is a deep dive into your own liberation and transformation. You will move energy, release limiting belief systems, tensions and memories embedded in the body over time, you will change behaviours and make better choices. You will feel more deeply connected to the divine within, with nature, with the rhythms of your body and with what you’re called to do this lifetime.
Syllabus and Theory
You will learn to:
- Guide and facilitate the Empowered Consciousness Breathwork technique in a safe and loving way, learning to hold space for the broad spectrum of possibility.
- Awaken the energy within to realise yourself as your own healer, and guide others into the same realisation.
- Connect and listen to the guide of your intuition that comes through you, for you.
- Acknowledge the parts of you that you avoid and the feelings associated with those parts & techniques to assist in their integration.
- Remember your divinity and guide others into remembering theirs.
- Become liberated from fear by mindfully addressing core wounds, challenges and traumas that contributed to the fear. Use this experience as foundation for mindfully guiding others through theirs IF and WHEN they are ready.
- Become a deeply proficient and successful Breathwork Practitioner, providing safety and security for your clients and yourself.
The Breath school teaches a combination of Breathwork, Integration and Embodiment Practices. Practitioners come away with a set of profound tools for deep transformational healing through breath, sound and movement.
This world needs loving guides, practitioners and healers to activate hearts and souls who are ready for transformation out of their old restrictive habits and patterns of belief and into a new paradigm of unity, self-love, self-acceptance, limitlessness and freedom.
When one makes peace with the parts of themselves they shame, this healing extends to the people around them, creating a ripple effect of harmonising connections, deeper communication, & knowing a deeper state of coherent love.
Your own Journey is the Key to Becoming a Naturally Confident Empowered Consciousness Breathwork Practitioner.
Being an excellent breathwork practitioner is about doing the work yourself and understanding the process from your own experience.
In this program, you actively embody and practice every single thing you will use with your clients over and over again. This helps you to understand the process from the inside out and know the journey that your clients will go on.
Going through this experience first-hand makes you masterful at using the tools which you then learn how to apply to your clients. All of this training allows you to exude natural confidence professionally.
“I feel I am so much more in tune with my body, and my mind is clearer. I have a greater understanding of why I am like I am, and the reason of why I think like I do. There have been deep shifts within me. The training has shaped my life and the people surrounding me more than you can measure.”

“I started out wanting to heal wounds of bereavement but my growing consciousness expanded into so many other aspects of my life. I now feel that this expansion cannot be contained and I wouldn’t want to contain it. I have expanded and my relationships are stronger than ever. I am starting my business and feel able to offer my services now”

“Working through my own healing at the beginning of this program finally allowed me to move some really deep traumas. It was from this point that I felt able to step into starting a role to facilitate others healing. The [work] has given me a sense of the future that I can look forward to. My personal growth has been immense and The Breath School has really increased my confidence.”

“Since going through The Breath School I have an inner peace that I didn’t think was possible, like an inner joy and a purpose.”

Course curriculum
What is Empowered Consciousness Breathwork?
Pillars of Empowered Consciousness Breathwork
Pillars of Empowered Consciousness Breathwork
Trauma and The Nervous System
Emotional and Energetic Awareness
How to Hold Space for 1-1 Clients
- www.sharonswyerbreathe.com
- sharon_swyer
- [email protected]
Regular price
2 x £2,060.00
2 x Payment Plan
3 x £1,420.00
3 x Payment Plan
4 x £1,111.00
4 x Payment Plan
6 x £673.00
6 x Payment Plan